Your Field Expedition
If you go on an expedition with me, everything that we do, every place we go, every bird we look for, and whatever time frame we go on is entirely up to you. It is your day, and it is my job to make sure it's an extra special one for you. Whether you want to spend four hours night birding or spending a few hours in the morning searching for migrants to spending an entire day from dawn to dusk and covering a lot of ground, I am happy to offer that variety of options to you. We can spend that day at a city park looking for birds at a relaxing pace or we can spend the day hiking long distances in the wilderness. The choice is yours and I want to meed your exact needs. We can run through the woods looking for birds or we can sit in one place and watch for birds to come to us. Once again, the choice is yours, it is your day! Whether my clients are beginners or experts, traveling birders, big or small groups, hardcore listers and chasers, or just want to bird for a day, I am happy to be your guide.
When contacting me for my services, please include your desired itinerary for the day. This may include the places you want to visit and how long you want to bird at each location. It should also include what species you are wanting to see. We will set up a "target list" and I will do my best to get you as many of those target species as possible.
