U.S. 60 Roadstop
Fast Flight Facts
Target Species: Riparian and desert species
Elevation: 1850'
Habitat: Lush willow, cottonwood, mesquite riparian habitat along the Hassayampa River
Overall Birding Rating: 4
Difficulty: 1 (Easy)
Birding Type: Simple Walk, Easy Hiking
Facilities: Parking, Restrooms, Trailer Hookups
Fees/Ownership: None /Public Rest stop
Closest Town or City/How far from Phoenix: Wickenburg /47 miles northwest of Phoenix
Getting there: Reached on the west side of the U.S. 60 to a well signed parking area
Overview: For birders wanting to visit the Hassayampa River Preserve, the U.S. 60 is a perfect stop to bird at if arriving before opening hours at the Hassayampa River Preserve or if an earlier start to the day is desired. The road stop is located only a few miles south of the Hassayampa River Preserve if coming north from the U.S. 60 Highway/Grand Avenue, and also offers birding opportunities along the Hassayampa River. The habitat here is identical to a lot of places at the preserve and birding here may be very good. Mesquite trees line the parking lot, while tall willows and cottonwoods line the Hassayampa River.
Bird wise, it would take many stops here to really build a good list. Birds that are typical of this habitat are what to expect throughout the seasons here at this road stop. There is a smaller patch of habitat to bird at this stop, but a lot of what is seen at Hassayampa River Preserve may be seen here as well. Vermilion Flycatchers are common around the parking lot and can often be seen within seconds of pulling into the rest stop. Gray Hawks have also become reliable to see and hear at this location in recent years.
Birding Tip: Birding this area is easy, whether in the parking lot or along the river.
Directions: The U.S. 60 Roadstop is about 45 miles northwest of Phoenix along Grand Avenue/US 60 between mile markers 116 and 117. It is well signed and just a few miles south of the Hassayampa River Preserve.
U.S. 60 Roadstop Map
U.S. 60 Roadstop eBird Data
Scenes and Sights from the U.S. 60 Roadstop:

Birds of the U.S. 60 Roadstop:
Vermilion Flycatcher

Gray Hawk (rare and local breeder in the general area)

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