Tommy J. DeBardeleben

Mesquite Wash Maps

*all maps property of Google

Map # 1-General overview of Mesquite Wash

P-Best parking area for Mesquite Wash

P-Additional Parking:  For times when road work is being done and road construction does not permit left-hand turns.  Park near the trailhead that is on the east side of Highway 87, and walk across the highway to access the area.

Lime-green lines:  General birding area of Mesquite Wash, with the best paths and habitat being west of the Highway 87.  Good but less riparian habitat lies east of the Highway. 

Red lines:  Is where Sycamore Creek runs into Mesquite Wash.  By following Sycamore Creek northwest past this point as the red lines show, good birding oppurtunities shall present themselves along this stretch also. 

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