Tommy J. DeBardeleben

Le Conte's Thrasher (Toxostoma lecontei)

Jim Kopitzke and I observed this cooperative Le Conte's Thrasher on June 11th, 2010 at the "Thrasher Spot" where Baseline Road meets the Salome Highway southwest of Phoenix.  This spot for years has been famous for this elusive bird, which can still be a tough find, even at the hotspot.

More from the spot on January 31st, 2011, where I was treated to seeing a breeding pair of Le Conte's up close...

March 14th, 2011...





The Best of the Year

My latest favorites.


Birding in Maricopa County

An online guide to the birds and hotspots of Maricopa County, Arizona.


The Maricopa County Big Year

My quest to see as many birds as possible in Maricopa County during one calender year..