Greens Peak
Dusky Grouse
Funny Story: In summer of 2010, my brother Tyler and I drove up to the summit of Greens Peak. I really wanted to see a Dusky Grouse because I hadn't seen one in several years. Taking Stuart Healy's advice on walking down the steep knoll along the powerline on the east side of the parking area, I was hoping I would find a Dusky Grouse that way. Going down the steep knoll was fine, but going back up was a nightmare. My brother and I were both out of breath, especially my brother. To top it all off, we didn't find a single grouse walking down the knoll. As we got back up to the summit of Greens Peak after exhausting ourselves, two of our target birds were walking along the road by the truck. I thought it was amazing, but they've been "stupid birds" ever since to Tyler.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

American Three-toed Woodpecker

Band-tailed Pigeon

Hermit Thrush

Greens Peak Incredible Scenes
The Peak

Scenic views looking down from Greens Peak-an amazing panoramic...

Greens Peak on eBird
Greens Peak Birding Map
*Maps are property of Google Earth

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