Tommy J. DeBardeleben

Winter Wren (Troglodytes hiemalis)

This is a Winter Wren I discoved at the Granite Reef Recreation Area on December 30th, 2010.  I was never able to see this wren, who however was present for awhile and I refound and photographed it on February 26th, 2011, in the same spot.  These guys are elusive and hard to find many times, their voice is all that gives them away at times. 

I found and photographed this Winter Wren on February 11th, 2011 at the Hassayampa River Preserve, along the Lion Trail.  After hearing this species several times without seeing it, this guy popped right up and gave me amazing looks.  I first located it by it's distictive double-note call that sounds similiar to a Song Sparrow.  The Winter Wren and the very similiar Pacific Wren were both considered a single species (both known as Winter Wren) and were split in the middle of 2010.  Both are visually different in aspects as well as both being very different vocally especially. 

I also have a video clip of a sound recording as well as well as some video clips which can be found at




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