Long-eared Owl (Asio otus)
After nearly going 3 years without adding an owl to my lifelist visually, I finally encountered one new for me, the Long-eared Owl. I photographed this individual at the Phoenix Mountains park. Many thanks to my friend Joe who knows the park well, helped me find these elusive birds. Never before have I faced an owl so challenging to catch sight of before it spooked into flight to another perch, and the process would repeat itself time and time again. The Long-eared Owl's coloration helps it blend in perfectly with it's surroundings and when looking for them, every tree needs to be scanned through carefully with binoculars. At the Phoenix Mountains, up to three individuals were observed during these afternoon and nights of watching them, where they stuck to only the wash in the middle of the desert, which was alot like a shady gorge full of paloverde trees which was nice for them to roost in.
I photographed this Long-eared Owl on 15 March 2010, after Joe and I went on the 12th without getting very good looks at them at all, but only in flight. While it's companions were very nervous of my presence, this guy was more accepting and allowed me to get the pictures and memory I have always wanted!

More from the Phoenix Mountains in 2011...
