Tommy J. DeBardeleben

Greer species list


1= Common and seen or heard regularly each visit or trip

2 = Uncommon and seen or heard a few times during trips

3 = Seen only once in the area


Canada Goose-1



Cinnamon Teal-2

Green-winged Teal-2


Ring-necked Duck-2

Common Merganser-2

Ruddy Duck-3

Ducky Grouse-3

Wild Turkey-2

Montezuma Quail-3

Double-crested Cormorant-1

Great Blue Heron-1

Black-crowned Night-Heron-1

Turkey Vulture-1


Sharp-shinned Hawk-2

Northern Goshawk-3

Red-tailed Hawk-1

Golden Eagle-3

American Kestrel-1

Peregrine Falcon-2


Virginia Rail-2

American Coot-2


Spotted Sandpiper-1

Greater Yellowlegs-3


Ring-billed Gull-3

Band-tailed Pigeon-1

Eurasian Collared-Dove-2

Mourning Dove-1

Great Horned Owl-2

Northern Pygmy-Owl-3

Common Nighthawk-1

Black-chinned Hummingbird-3

Calliope Hummingbird-3

Broad-tailed Hummingbird-1

Rufous Hummingbird-1

Belted Kingfisher-1

Acorn Woodpecker-3

Williamson's Sapsucker-1

Red-naped Sapsucker-1

Downy Woodpecker-2

Hairy Woodpecker-1

American Three-toed Woodpecker-2

Northern Flicker-1

Olive-sided Flycatcher-1

Western Wood-Pewee-1

Willow Flycatcher-2

Dusky Flycatcher-1

Cordilleran Flycatcher-1

Black Phoebe-1

Say's Phoebe-1

Ash-throated Flycatcher-1

Western Kingbird-1

Plumbeous Vireo-1

Warbling Vireo-1

Gray Jay-3

Steller's Jay-1

Western Scrub-Jay-3

Clark's Nutcracker-1

American Crow-1

Common Raven-1

Purple Martin-2

Tree Swallow-2

Violet-green Swallow-1

Northern Rough-winged Swallow-1

Cliff Swallow-1

Barn Swallow-1

Mountain Chickadee-1

White-breasted Nuthatch-1

Pygmy Nuthatch-1

Brown Creeper-2

Rock Wren-2

Canyon Wren-2

House Wren-1

American Dipper-2

Golden-crowned Kinglet-2

Ruby-crowned Kinglet-2

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-3

Western Bluebird-1

Mountain Bluebird-1

Townsend's Solitaire-2

Swainson's Thrush-3

Hermit Thrush-1

American Robin-1

Gray Catbird-2 (increasing)

Northern Mockingbird-2

Orange-crowned Warbler-2

Nashville Warbler-3

Virginia's Warbler-1

Yellow Warbler-3

Yellow-rumped Warbler-1

Black-throated Gray Warbler-3

Hermit Warbler-3

Grace's Warbler-1

MacGillivray's Warbler-1

Common Yellowthroat-1

Red-faced Warbler-1

Western Tanager-1

Green-tailed Towhee-1

Spotted Towhee-3

Chipping Sparrow-1

Vesper Sparrow-1

Lark Sparrow-3

Song Sparrow-1

Lincoln's Sparrow-2

Dark-eyed Junco-1

Black-headed Grosbeak-1

Lazuli Bunting-2

Red-winged Blackbird-1

Eastern Meadowlark-1

Western Meadowlark-3

Brewer's Blackbird-1

Brown-headed Cowbird-1

Bullock's Oriole-2

Red Crossbill-1

Pine Siskin-1

Lesser Goldfinch-1

Evening Grosbeak-3

House Sparrow-1




Birds recorded by Tommy DeBardeleben in the months of June-early August.

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