Area 11-Cave Creek
The birding locations in the Cave Creek area are very productive, but yet very under birded. Located in the north-central part of Maricopa County, this area is often a longer drive for a majority of the folks who are birding within the valley. Despite the fact it may be further away, any trip here is a rewarding experience. Just north of the town of Cave Creek, is the Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area and the Jewel of the Creek Preserve. These two locations are next door to each other, and provide an excellent birding mix of desert and riparian habitats. Continuing north into this area, medium elevations are accessed, usually around 3,700'. Riparian canyons consisting highly of sycamore, willow, and cottonwoods are found, with juniper and chaparral in the surrounding hillsides. Common Black and Zone-tailed Hawks, Cassin's Kingbirds, Western Scrub-Jays, Juniper Titmice, Yellow and Lucy's Warblers, Rufous-crowned Sparrows, Blue Grosbeaks, and Scott's Orioles are among the breeders to be found in these areas. The area is spectacular in winter, bringing in abundant numbers of wintering birds which include Red-naped Sapsuckers, Western and Mountain Bluebirds, Townsend's Solitaires, Hermit Thrushes, American Robins and Sage Thrashers. A climb to the 5,000' Mount Humboldt also results in interesting birding opportunities, and gives an amazing view and overlook of the surrounding area.

Birding Locations:
Jewel of the Creek Preserve (eBird)
Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area (eBird)
Rackensack Canyon (eBird)
Lower Camp Creek
Mount Humboldt
Seven Springs Wash (eBird)
Seven Springs Recreation Area (eBird)
Cave Creek Area Map:
Cave Creek Location Map
Area Species List:
Area Species List

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